Posted by GNSA on Jan 11, 2022 6:44:56 AM

Oregon OSHA Division II covers general rules regarding health and safety. While its subdivisions pertain to specific safety hazards, they do not pertain to any singular industry. The following guide, while not a complete overview, outlines the most important and most commonly applicable provisions for Oregon employers.

Table of Contents

A. General Standards

B. Adoption & Extension of Federal Standards 

D. Walking-Working Surface Standards

E. Means of Egress Standards

F. Powered Platform, Man lift, and Vehicle Standards

G. Occupational Health and Environmental Control Standards

H. Hazardous Material Standards

I. Personal Protective Equipment Standards

J. Environmental Control Standards

K. Medical & First Aid Standards

L. Fire Protection Standards

N. Material Handling & Storage Standards

O. Machinery & Machine Guarding Standards

S. Electrical Standards

ep. What Should Oregon Employers Know About Oregon OSHA?



Oregon OSHA General Standards (Subdivision A) 

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The purpose and scope of OSHA is to quickly establish standards for health and safety that are familiar to businesses throughout the state. This is outlined in Subdivision A. 

Included is a list of important OSHA terms and definitions that pertain to the language used within the division II document.


Oregon OSHA Adoption & Extension of Federal Standards (Subdivision B)

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Subdivision B further explores the adopted federal standards and their application in Oregon when it comes to specific industries, while provisions for the general administration of Oregon OSHA are covered by division I.

These specific industries include:

  • Construction Work
    • Covers adopted standards for occupational health and safety when performing construction work
      • Construction work is defined as work for construction, alteration, and/or repair, including painting and decorating
  • Shipyard Employment
    • Covers adopted standards for occupational health and safety when employed in a shipyard.
    • Specifically referring to work including:
      • Ship repair
      • Shipbreaking
      • Shipbuilding
      • Other related job duties
  • Longshore and Marine Terminals
    • Covers adopted standards for occupational health and safety when performing longshore operations or related work aboard any vessel 
    • Only the following subdivisions apply:
      • Access to employee’s exposure and medical records (Z)
      • Commercial diving operations (T)
      • Electrical (S)
      • Hazard communication (Z)
      • Ionizing radiation (Z)
      • Noise (G)
      • Non-Ionizing radiation (G)
      • Respiratory protection (I)
      • Toxic/hazardous substances (Z)
      • Powered industrial truck operator training (N)
    • The definition of Longshoring is the loading, unloading, moving, or handling of, cargo, ship’s stores, gear, etc., into, in, on, or out of any vessel
    • Longshoring does not refer to:
      •  Facilities used solely for the bulk storage, handling, and transfer of flammable and combustible liquids and gases
      • Facilities subject to the regulations of the Office of Pipeline Safety of the Research and Special Programs Administration
      •  Fully automated bulk coal handling facilities contiguous to electrical power generating plants
    • Oregon OSHA also has provisions for commercial diving operations as well.
  • Special Industries

Special Provisions for Air Contaminants

Subdivision B also includes a list of air contaminants that OSHA has specific provisions for.

The list includes:
  • Asbestos, tremolite, anthophyllite, and actinolite dust
  • Vinyl chloride
  • Acrylonitrile
  • Inorganic Arsenic
  • Lead
  • Ethylene Oxide
  • 4.4’-Methylenedianiline (MDA)
  • Formaldehyde
  • Cadmium
  • 1,3-Butadiene (BD)
  • Methylene Chloride (MC)


Oregon OSHA Walking-Working Surface Standards (Subdivision D)

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Oregon OSHA Subdivision D adds additional rules to ensure all working surfaces are clean, sanitary, and orderly. These rules apply to every general industry workplace, and all walking-working surfaces within, unless specifically excluded.

There are several general requirements set forth in this subdivision.

These requirements include:

  • All places of employment, passageways, storerooms, service rooms, and walking/working surfaces must be kept clean, orderly, and in sanitary condition
  • Floors in each room must be cleaned and maintained in a dry condition (when feasible)
  • If the work involves water or some other kind of wet element, a drainage process must be used, and dry standing places must be maintained
    • False floors, platforms, and mats can be used as these dry-standing places
  • Walking and working surfaces must be free of hazards, such as sharp/protruding objects, loose articles, corrosion, leaks, spills, snow, and ice
  • Employers must ensure each walking-working surface can support its maximum intended load
  • Employers must provide, and ensure the use of, safe access and egress to and from walking and working surfaces

Employers must also conduct regular inspections and fix hazardous conditions to prevent accidents. If the correction or repair cannot be made immediately, the hazard must be guarded to prevent employees from using the walking-working surface.

Protective Barriers

Barriers or other suitable safety measures must be used when covers over openings in the ground or floor are removed or opened. Lights or flares should be used at night.

Someone should also be keeping watch over the area as well when conditions do not permit the aforementioned safety measures for openings in the ground or floor.

Plant Arrangement

Provisions for safety must be included in any industrial plant layout, design, and operation. 

Vertical clearance must be no less than 6 ½ feet over all work areas. If conditions make this requirement impractical, then all overhead obstructions must be padded or indicated with some sort of warning. 

Work platforms must be a sufficient and safe width as well.

Aisles, Passageways, Walkways, & Inclines

All aisles, passageways, walkways, and inclines must be a width of 22 inches at least. Fixed incline walkways must also be at an angle of no greater than 24 degrees, as well as securely fastened at the top and bottom. They should also include an adequate anti-slip surface.

Any inclines that go from floor to floor must have a railing.

Moveable inclined walkways which extend to floats or floating equipment are not less than 20 inches wide and are also secured at the upper end with clear space provided for
the lower end to adjust automatically with the heights of water.

In addition to the surface conditions, aisles, passageways, walkways, and inclines must be maintained free of holes, unevenness, or any unnecessary obstructions or debris that may create a safety risk.

Ramps & Runways

Employers must ensure ramps and runways have enough width and evenness for safe equipment operations. They must also be provided timber guards no less than 6-inches by 6-inches, set on 3-inch blocks. These guards and blocks must be placed parallel to and secured onto the sides of the ramp/runway.

Piers & Wharves

Any open sides of piers and wharves more than 4 feet above the ground/water level must have the same protections, or material of equal strength and minimum height securely attached.

Additionally, except for where the mooring lines are handled, open sides of vessels more than 4 feet above ground/water level not used for loading/unloading purposes, must be provided with guardrails and the same aforementioned protections.


The following regulations apply to all ladders, except when used in emergencies, such as firefighting, rescue, tactical law enforcement operations, training for these operations, or they are part of machines or equipment.

Regulations include:

  • Rungs, steps, and cleats must be parallel, level, and uniformly spaced when the ladder is positioned for use
  • Rungs, steps, and cleats must be spaced no less than 10 inches, and no more than 14 inches apart, measured between the centerlines of the rungs.
  • Exceptions include…
    • Rungs and steps in elevator shafts must be spaced no less than 6 inches and no more than 16.5 inches, measured along the side rails
    • Rungs and steps on telecommunication towers must be spaced no more than 18 inches apart, measured between the centerlines of the rungs
  • Step stool steps must be spaced no less than 8 inches and no more than 12 inches, measured from the centerline
  • Ladder rung, steps, and cleats must have a minimum clear width of 11.5 inches on portable ladders and 16 inches for fixed ladders, measured before installation of ladder safety systems, except:
    • Minimum clear width requirements do not apply to ladders with narrow rungs not designed to be stepped on, such as the tapered end of orchard ladders
    • Rungs and steps of manhole entry ladders supported by the manhole opening must have a minimum clear width of 9 inches
    • Rungs and steps on rolling ladders used in telecommunications centers must have a minimum clear width of 8 inches
    • Step stools must have a minimum clear width of 10.5 inches
  • Wooden ladders must not be coated with any material that would obscure structural defects
  • Metal ladders must be made with corrosion-resistant materials, or otherwise protected against corrosion
  • Ladder surfaces must be free of puncture/laceration hazards
  • Ladders must be used only for the purposes they were designed for
  • Ladders must be inspected before use in each shift, and more frequently as necessary
  • If structural defects are found, the ladder must be marked “Dangerous: Do Not Use” and removed from the service
  • Employees must face the ladder while climbing up or down it
  • Each employee must use at least one hand to grab the ladder when climbing up or down
  • Employees cannot carry loads that could cause them to lose balance or fall while climbing the ladder.

OSHA has additional rules for portable ladders, fixed ladders, and mobile ladders.


Subdivision D also covers stairways. Regulations apply to all stairways with the exception of stairs serving as floating roof tanks, stairs on scaffolding, and stairs that are part of a machine or some kind of equipment. 

The general requirements include:

  • Handrails, stair rail systems, and guardrail systems are provided always
  • Vertical clearance at any point on any set of stairs (except spiral) is at least 6 feet, 8 inches
  • The height and depth of each step must be uniform
  • Landings and platforms must be at least the width of the stairs and 30 inches in depth
  • When a door or a gate opens directly on a stairway, a platform is provided, and the swing of the door or gate does not reduce the platform’s effective usable depth to less than 22 inches
  • Each stair must be able to support a load 5 times the “normal” anticipated load 
    • Never less than a concentrated load of 1,000 pounds applied to any one point
  • Standard stairs should be used in any operational situation where employees would need to regularly travel between levels 
  • Winding staircases may be used on tanks and other round structures with a diameter of at least 5 feet
  • Other types of stairs may be used only when the employer may demonstrate that it is not feasible to provide standard or winding stairs

The subdivision also includes regulations for specific types of stairs, including:

  • Standard stairs
  • Spiral stairs
  • Ship stairs
  • Alternating tread-type stairs

Fall Protection & Falling Object Protection

Employers have a duty to protect each employee who is exposed to the possibility of falling or being struck by a falling object. 

This section does not apply to:

  • Portable ladders
  • When employers are inspecting, investigating, or assessing workplace conditions or work to be performed prior to the start of work or after all work has been completed.
  • To fall hazards presented by the exposed perimeters of entertainment stages and the exposed perimeters of rail-station platforms
  • Powered platforms
  • Aerial lifts
  • Telecommunications work
  • Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution work

Employers must ensure that employees are protected from fall hazards such as:

  • Unprotected sides and edges
  • Hoist areas
  • Holes
  • Dock boards
  • Runways and walkways
  • Openings and repair, service, and assembly pits
  • Fixed ladders
  • Billboards
  • Stairways
  • Scaffolds and rope descent systems
  • Low-slope roof work
  • Platforms
  • Other walking-working surfaces


Oregon OSHA Means of Egress Standards (Subdivision E)

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Subdivision E covers exits, emergency actions plans, and fire prevention plans.

Exits & Exit Routes

Every place of employment must have permanent, unobstructed exits routes to get out of work areas safely in the event of an emergency. Depending on the size and layout of the workplace, employers may need more than one exit or exit route. One is only acceptable if an employer can prove all workers can get out safely during an emergency. 

OSHA outlines other requirements for exits and exit routes, such as: 

  • Design
  • Access
  • Outdoor and refuge areas
  • Outdoor exit routes
  • Conditions 
  • Exits during construction or repair
  • Alarm systems
  • Other special circumstances

Emergency Action Plan

Employers are also required to develop an emergency action plan that is compliant with OSHA law. These plans must be in writing, posted in work areas, and provided to employees upon request. In places of employment with less than 10 employees, a verbal plan may be used. 

At a minimum, an emergency action plan must include: 

  • Procedures for evacuations, including the type of evacuation and exit route assignments
  • Procedures to account for employees after the evacuation
  • Procedures for reporting fires or other emergencies
  • Procedures to follow for shutting down critical equipment, or its emergency use, before evacuation
  • Procedures for rescue and medical duties
  • Names and job titles for employees to contact for more information regarding their duties under the emergency action plan

There should also be a functioning alarm system to warn others of emergencies.

Fire Prevention Plan

Fire prevention plans are also required of employers by Oregon OSHA. Similar to emergency action plans, fire prevention plans must comply with a set of requirements. They must be in writing, posted visibly in work areas, and available to employees who request them, while employers with less than 10 employees can use a verbal plan. 

A fire prevention plan must contain the following elements: 

  • A list of all major fire hazards, proper handling and storage procedures for hazardous materials, probable ignition sources and their control, and the type of fire protection necessary to control each of these hazards
  • Procedures to control the buildup of flammable or combustible waste materials
  • Procedures for regular maintenance of heat-producing equipment safeguards to prevent accidental ignition 
  • Names and job titles of those responsible for maintaining equipment to prevent/control fires
  • Names and job titles of those responsible for fuel source hazard control

Additionally, employers must inform employees of the fire hazards in their work area, and review the parts of the fire prevention plan necessary for employees to protect themselves.


Oregon OSHA Powered Platform, Man lift, and Vehicle Standards (Subdivision F)

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Subdivision F covers all regulations for powered platforms, man lifts, and vehicles.

To ensure the safety of employees, employers should test all powered platforms, and man lifts before use. In addition, the cables holding any hoisting platforms should be free from obstructions and sharp edges that may cut into the cords. 

All controls should be within easy reach of the controller and be consistent for easy use. Finally, proper maintenance and training are mandatory for employees before operating any man lifts, vehicles, and powered platforms.


Oregon OSHA Occupational Health and Environmental Control Standards (Subdivision G) 

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This subdivision addresses ventilation and noise concerns at the workplace.


Oregon OSHA ventilation requirements include: 

  • No air from any local exhaust system should ever be recirculated, with a few exceptions
  • For whatever amount of air is removed by a ventilation system, an equal amount of air must replace it
  • The discharge of an exhaust system must not allow any air contaminant to enter a window, door, or another opening of any work area to the point of creating a health danger
  • All salamanders and other fuel-burning heating devices are prohibited from being used in enclosed areas or an inadequately ventilated space unless provided with a pip, chimney, or another ventilation system 
  • The responsibility to calculate the capacity of the local exhaust system
  • If it constitutes a fire hazard or otherwise dangerous mixture, two substances must not be connected in the same exhaust system
  • Protecting exhaust systems with flammable properties from sources of ignition
  • Collected materials shall be removed as often as necessary to ensure that the exhaust system is always operating in an effective and safe capacity, these materials shall be removed in a way that is free of causing a hazard
  • Exhaust systems must be in operation until all contaminants are reduced below the threshold limit value of each specific contaminant 

Oregon OSHA does have more specific ventilation regulations for specific circumstances.

Occupational Noise Concerns

Employers must apply an effective hearing conservation program to prevent damage from exposure to occupational noise. 

OSHA includes a table demonstrating sound levels and noise exposure for employers

If employees are subjected to sounds exceeding those on the table, feasible administrative or engineering controls should be used. If these controls fail to reduce the sounds to an acceptable level, PPE must be provided and used to reduce the sound levels to parameters within the table. These sounds are considered continuous if intervals between them are 1 second or less. 

When information demonstrates an employee’s exposure may equal or exceed an average of 85 decibels over 8 hours, employers must develop, then implement, a monitoring program.


Oregon OSHA Hazardous Material Standards (Subdivision H)

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This subdivision addresses hazardous materials in the workplace. Employers should ensure the safe handling and transportation of compressed gases, flammable liquids, and other hazardous materials and chemicals. 

When it comes to compressed gases, employers must:

  • Visually inspect each gas containment cylinder to ensure that it is in a safe condition
  • Ensure that the handling, storage, and use of all compressed gases are in accordance with the Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
  • All storage containers for compressed gases must have a pressure relief device installed and maintained

OSHA has regulations for the following specific types of compressed gases and other hazardous materials:

More standards for compressed gas and air and equipment that go along with it can be found in Oregon OSHA, Subdivision M. More Oregon OSHA standards for other kinds of toxic and hazardous substances can be found in Subdivision Z.


Oregon OSHA Personal Protective Equipment Standards (Subdivision I)

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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is vital to protect employees from exposure to accidents or hazardous materials. Standards for PPE according to Oregon OSHA include equipment for the eyes, face, head, extremities, and torso. Equipment can include things such as protective clothing, respiratory devices, and protective shields and barriers. 

PPE is required wherever, and whenever an employee can (or will) encounter hazardous processes or environments, chemical hazards, radiological hazards, or mechanical irritants. It is the duty of every employer to assess each workplace and determine what hazards are present, and when and where PPE is appropriate. 

If an employer determines that a hazard is present, then the employer must:

  • Select the proper form(s) of PPE and ensure they are being used
  • Ensure that PPE is of safe design and is safe to use
  • Ensure that PPE is used in the proper and effective manner
  • Ensure employees are aware of the required PPE and that PPE fits each employee

If an employee decides to provide their own PPE the employer must ensure that it is adequate, and whether the PPE is employee or employer-provided, it must be in a sanitary and reliable condition. Employers are also responsible for regularly inspecting all PPE, and ensuring that equipment that is defective or damaged not be used. 

Employers must also provide training to their employees that are required to use PPE. Employees must know when and what PPE is necessary, how to put on, take off, adjust and wear PPE, as well as the proper care for PPE. 

Employers are required to provide PPE at no cost to the employee. Exceptions include:

  • Non-specialty safety-toe protective footwear and prescription safety eyewear
    • *Provided the employer permits these items to used off-site*
  • Steel or reinforced steel shoes or boots
    • *When the employer already provides metatarsal guards
  • Logging boots (Oregon OSHA Div. VII)
  • Everyday clothing 
  • Items to protect against cold weather

Oregon OSHA also has specific guidelines and rules for specific types of PPE, these include:


Oregon OSHA Environmental Control Standards (Subdivision J)

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Oregon OSHA Subdivision J covers environmental controls. It mainly covers sanitation and safety warnings.


Oregon OSHA sanitation guidelines apply to all permanent places of employment. In other words, sanitation standards don’t apply to employees whose place of work consistently changes, such as door-to-door sales, or blue-collar private contractors such as a plumber. 

All places of employment must be kept as clean as the extent of the work will allow. All floors will be kept in a dry condition wherever possible. All areas of the workplace must be free from protruding nails, splinters, loose boards, and unintentional holes or openings in order to facilitate cleaning as well. 

All waste disposal receptacles must not leak and must be able to be thoroughly cleaned and maintained. They must also have a tight-fitting cover (unless able to be maintained without one). Waste should be removed in a timely manner, that prevents all possible health hazards. They must be constructed of smooth, corrosion-resistant, easily cleanable, or disposable materials shall be provided and used for the disposal of waste food and must be emptied once a day unless otherwise empty. 

Enclosed workplaces shall also be constructed and equipped to prevent the entrance and or harborage of rodents, insects, and other vermin. 

Oregon OSHA also has provisions for sanitary conditions for potable water and non-potable water for drinking. 

In terms of toilet facilities, there must be separate facilities for each sex, based on the number of employees belonging to that sex. If the rooms can only be occupied by one employee at a time and each have their own water closet, then separate rooms for each sex are not required. Lavatories shall be kept in a healthy and sanitary condition. 

Oregon OSHA has more specific requirements when it comes to sanitation regarding:

Safety Warnings

Color codes are used to mark physical hazards in Oregon.

Red is used to identify fire protection equipment, to mark something as dangerous, or to emergency stops.

Yellow is the basic color for emphasizing caution in any scenario.

While not required, Oregon OSHA also recommends the color orange be used for warnings, and fluorescent orange (orange-red) be used for biological hazards.

Additionally, accident prevention signs and tags are also required by Oregon OSHA. All signs shall have rounded or blunt corners, free from any sharp edges or otherwise any sharp part, and should in general not constitute any safety hazard. Sign wording should be easily read and concise while including positive suggestions that are factually accurate.

These signs include:

  • Danger signs
  • Caution signs
  • Safety instruction signs
  • Slow-moving vehicle emblems
  • Accident prevention tags
  • Danger tags
  • Caution tags - only used in minor hazard situations, where there is a lesser threat of employee injury
  • Biological hazard tags

Other Environmental Controls

Additionally, Oregon OSHA sets rules and regulations for confined spaces and the control of hazardous energy.


Oregon OSHA Medical & First Aid Standards (Subdivision K)

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Employers must provide first aid supplies based on their intended use and the types of injuries that may happen at the workplace. Additionally, the supplies should be available and accessible to all employees. Employers need to store the supplies correctly to prevent damage or contamination. Containers must be clearly marked, and while may be sealed away, must not be locked. Supplies must be available for each shift. 

Emergency medical services and personnel should also be readily available for the treatment of injured employees. If there are no acceptable emergency medical services close enough, you must have a qualified first aid person available at your workplace. 

Employers should also create and implement an emergency medical plan at the workplace in which requirements vary.

Employers must also have emergency showers and eye-wash stations wherever employees handle hazardous substances that could injure them by getting into their eyes or on their bodies. Whether both or just one of each station is required depends on whether or not there are risks to both skin and or an employee’s eyes. 

 Emergency eye-wash stations and showers must meet the following requirements: 

  • Location allowing easy access within 10 seconds of exposure
  • Water flow for at least 15 minutes
  • Must be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Valves must stay open without hands
  • Must follow manufacturer’s recommendations for water pressure, flow rate, and testing
  • Must be clean, sanitary, and working properly
  • Cannot use products or solutions past their expiration date


Oregon OSHA Fire Protection Standards (Subdivision L)

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Oregon OSHA fire protection regulations are in place for both fire service activity employers, such as emergency first responders, as well as fixed and unfixed fire suppression systems, and other protection systems like alarms.

Fire Extinguishers

Employers must ensure that they provide functional extinguishers and that their workers understand how to use them. There are certain exemptions, however, barring no other law requires them.

An employer is exempt from this requirement if:

  • Fire extinguishers are not accessible, and;
  • A written fire safety policy is in place that requires the immediate and total evacuation of employees in the case of a fire, and;
    • This fire safety policy cannot be the same as your emergency action plan and fire prevention plan.
  • Your emergency action plan and fire prevention plan comply with Oregon OSHA subdivision E, Means of Egress

Employers must also ensure that any extinguishers do not have dangerous or banned agents.

Sprinkler Systems

Sprinkler systems must be maintained by the employer, including an annual main drain flow test, as well as ensuring the system operates properly by opening the inspector’s test valve. Employers must also conduct acceptance tests and record when each test is done. 

A test should include:

  • Flushing of underground connections
  • Hydrostatic tests of piping in the system
  • Air tests in dry-pipe systems
  • Dry-pipe valve operation
  • Test of drainage facilities

Systems must be provided with at least one automatic water supply capable of providing water flow for at least 30 minutes. Employers may also attach hose connections to pipe sprinkler systems for fire fighting use. 

The system must be protected against freezing and exterior surface corrosion. Oregon OSHA also provides standards for the sprinklers used in a sprinkler system (sprinkler, pipe, etc.), pipes and hoses, as well as standards for different types of sprinkler and fire suppression systems.

Such as: 

Fire Detection Systems & Alarms

Employers must ensure that all systems are in an operable condition except during repairs or maintenance. All systems must be tested and adjusted as often as needed to maintain proper reliability. All parts of the system must be kept safe from any damage, dirt, or anything else that could impair the functionality of the system. 

Alarms must be capable of being perceived above all ambient noise or light levels, as well as distinctive and recognizable. For employers with 10 or fewer employees, a verbal alarm is appropriate provided all employees can hear it at all times. 

Employers must also establish procedures for sounding emergency alarms in the workplace.


Oregon OSHA Material Handling & Storage Standards (Subdivision N)

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Oregon OSHA has standards for the handling of materials and storage of materials that live within Subdivision N. Materials can be anything from stacks of wood to vehicles.  

Where mechanical equipment is being used, employers must ensure sufficient, safe, and marked clearances for aisles, loading docks, doorways, and any other appropriate areas in the workplace. All aisles and passageways must be kept clear of obstruction as well, and permanent ones shall be appropriately marked. 

All storage of material must not create a hazard. Bags, containers, bundles, and any other storage material shall be stacked, blocked, interlocked, and limited in height in order to ensure that they are stable and secure when storing materials in tiers. Storage areas must be kept free from hazards that could result in tripping, fire, explosion, or pest harborage. Vegetation control shall also be exercised where appropriate. 

Oregon OSHA also has provisions for the handling and storage of specific materials.

These include:


Oregon OSHA Machinery & Machine Guarding Standards (Subdivision O)

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The machinery section of Oregon OSHA outlines provisions for the use and design of machinery in the workplace. 

While like every other subdivision of OSHA, Subdivision O has its set of definitions and important terms. What sets this subdivision apart from the rest is the separate section it has for the definition of a gate or movable barrier

At least one method of machine guarding must be employed to protect the machine operator and other surrounding employees from any hazards caused by machine operation such as rotating parts, flying chips, or sparks. Examples of guarding are things such as barriers, tripping devices (electrical), and any other appropriate safety device or system. 

When possible, guards must be affixed to the machine when possible and secured elsewhere if not. Guards must not present any hazard themselves. 

The point of operation (area of the machine where work is actually being performed) of each machine must be guarded if the operation of the machine exposes any employees to potential harm. Along with adhering to all other provisions outlined in this subdivision, point of operation guards must be designed so that the machine operator does not have any part of his body within the danger zone during operation. The same applies to any hand tools. 

Some machines that typically require a point of operation guarding include: 

  • Guillotine cutters
  • Shears
  • Alligator shears
  • Power presses
  • Milling machines
  • Power saws
  • Jointers 
  • Portable power tools
  • Forming rolls and calendars

Oregon OSHA has more specific requirements for specific types of machinery. These include: 

Oregon OSHA also has its own set of provisions that are specific to hand and portable power tools. There is also another section for welding, cutting, and brazing provisions.


Oregon OSHA Electrical Standards (Subdivision S)

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Oregon OSHA includes regulations and standards for all things electrical. It addresses safety requirements for the practical safeguarding of employees. It primarily covers electrical device / equipment design, and practice.

Electrical Designs

Conductors and equipment must adhere to specific design standards. Electrical equipment must be free from hazards. 

Factors taken into consideration to determine if electrical equipment is safe include: 

  • Suitability for installation 
  • Mechanical strength and durability 
  • Wire-bending and connection space 
  • Electrical insulation
  • Heating effects under conditions of use
  • Arcing effects
  • Classification by…
    • Type
    • Size
    • Voltage
    • Current Capacity
    • Use

Installation of electrical equipment must be done to the exact specifications of the equipment and any wiring installations must be free from short circuits and from gourds other than those that are required. 

Equipment intended to interrupt electrical currents at fault levels must be sufficient for the nominal circuit voltage and the electrical current that is available at the line terminals of the equipment. Equipment intended to interrupt electrical currents at other than fault levels shall have an interrupting rating at nominal circuit voltage sufficient for the electrical current that must be interrupted.

Oregon OSHA also has design standards for circuit impedance, deteriorating agents, mechanical execution, mounting and cooling, and other specific design requirements.

Electrical Work Practices

Oregon OSHA Subdivision S also has standards for electrical work practices. 

Employees must be trained in the standards outlined by the subdivision. Safety practices must also be put into place in order to prevent electric shock or other injuries resulting from either direct or indirect electrical contact. 

Electrical practices include the following general standards:

  • Deenergized parts
    • Any live parts of electrical equipment that an employee may be exposed to must be de-energized before an employee works on them or near them. 
    • Exceptions include if de-energizing causes additional hazards or the live parts operate at less than 50 volts to ground
  • Energized parts
    • If the exposed live parts are not de-energized then employers must protect employees against contact with energized circuit parts directly, or indirectly through some other conductive object
  • Lockout and tagging
    • If an employee is exposed to contact with any de-energized parts, the circuits that power the parts must be locked out, tagged, or both
    • Oregon OSHA also outlines the application of locks and tags
  • Exposed energized parts
    • Only qualified personnel may work on electric circuit parts or equipment that has not been de-energized. 
  • Working near overhead high voltage lines and equipment

Oregon OSHA also has more specific provisions for specific electrical equipment, as well as electrical power generation, transmission, and distribution.


What Should Oregon Employers Know About Oregon OSHA?

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Employers should have a sufficient understanding of all subdivisions of Oregon OSHA Division II, as well as a detailed understanding of subdivisions prevalent to their industry. It is also helpful to know the administrative rules for Oregon OSHA

Oregon OSHA also has some specific divisions pertaining to industries that are a bit more specific to the state of Oregon. If you are an Oregon-based employer in the Construction, Agriculture, Maritime, or Forest Activities industry, then you should ensure you understand Oregon OSHA's additional regulations for your industry. 

Oregon OSHA Audit Protection

In the event of a workplace fatality, accident, imminent danger, valid complaint of unsafe conditions, and referrals from other governments and safety and health professionals, Oregon OSHA may open an inspection. 

Oregon OSHA also makes planned inspections, based on the employer's history of workplace injuries and illnesses, previous Oregon OSHA inspections, number of employees, and an overall hazard rating of the employer’s industry. It's important that employers stay prepared for such audits, and an Oregon payroll company may be able to help. 

If you are having trouble complying with Oregon OSHA laws, an Oregon-based HR and payroll provider like GNSA can be of great help. Contact us today to see how we are already helping countless businesses comply with Oregon OSHA.

Additionally, things like an electronic Oregon labor law poster service can help you ensure compliance.  

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Topics: Oregon Labor Laws, Oregon Compliance, Oregon OSHA


Written by GNSA

GNSA is a Payroll, Human Resource, and Benefits Administration firm specializing in serving the small to middle market. Started in 1997, GNSA has steadily grown from year-to year as more and more companies have identified GNSA as the premier outsourced service provider. At GNSA we believe that the strength of the United States economy resides in the small to mid-market, therefore GNSA has focused its efforts towards better serving this segment.

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